2014年9月21日 星期日

讀「牧羊少年奇幻之旅」(The Alchemist) - 書摘

Page 6: "And he knew that shepherds, like seaman and like traveling salesman, always found a town where there was someone who could make them forget the joys of carefree wandering."

Page 7: "The only thing that concerned the sheep were food and water.  As long as the boy knew how to find the best pastures and Andalusia, they would be his friends.  Yes, their days were all the same, with the seemingly endless hours between sunrise and dust; and they had never read a book in their young lives, and didn't understand when the boy told them about the sights of the cities.  They were content with just food and water, and, in exchange, they generously gave of their wool, their company, and - once in a while - their meat."

page 10: "Whenever he could, he sought out a new road to travel.  He had never been to that ruined church before, in spite of having traveled through those parts many times.  The world was huge and inexhaustible; he had only to allow his sheep to set the route for a while and he would discover other interesting things.  The problem is that they don't even realize that they're walking a new road every day.  They don't see that  the fields are new and the seasons change.  All they think about is food and water."

Page 11: " It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting."

第23頁:「這是旅行吸引他的一點 - 既可以認識很多新朋友,又不需要花太多時間在這些人身上。當你每天和同一群人打交道時,他們也會變成你生命中的一部份了,就像當年他在神學院的情形一樣。他們會要求你改變自己來遷就他們,如果你不是他們所期望的樣子,他們就會不高興。絕大多數人似乎都很清楚別人該怎麼過活,卻對自己一無所知。」
Page 15: "That was what made traveling appeal to him - he always made new friends, and he didn't need to spend all of his time with them.  When someone sees the same people every day, as had happened with his at the seminary, they wind up becoming a part of that person's life.  And then they want the person to change,  If someone isn't what others want them to be, the others become angry.  Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives, but none about his or her own."

Page 21: " Personal Legend, is what you have always wanted to accomplish.  Everyone, whey they are young, knows what their Personal Legend is.  At that point in their lives, everything is clear and every thing is possible.  They are not afraid to dream, and to yearn for everything they would like to see happen to them in their lives.  But, as time passes, a mysterious force begins to convince them that i will be impossible for them to realize their Personal Legend."

Page 22: "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."

Page 25: " If you start out by promising what you don't even have yet, you'll lose your desire to work toward getting it."

Page 28: "The Boy felt jealous of the freedom of the wind, and saw that he could have the same freedom.  There was nothing to hold him back except himself."

Page 29: "In order to find the treasure, you will have to follow the omens.  God has prepared a path for everyone to follow.  You just have to read the omens that he left for you."

Page 32: "The secret of happiness is to see all the marvels of the world, and never to forget the drops of oil on the spoon. ... A shepherd may like to travel, but he should never forget about his sheep."

第52頁:「我就像大多數人一樣 - 只肯相信自己想要相信的,不肯去看清事情究竟真正是怎麼一回事。」
Page 40: "I'm like everyone else - I see the word in terms of what I would like to see happen, not actually does."

Page 43: "There must be a language that doesn't depend on words, the boy thought.  I've already had that experience with my sheep, and now it's happening with people.  ... If I can learn to understand this language without words, I can learn to understand the world."

Page 55: "Because it's the thought of Mecca that keeps me alive.  That's what helps me face these days that are all the same, these mute crystals on the shelves, and lunch and dinner at that same horrible cafe.  I'm afraid that if my dream is realized, I'll have no reason to go on living."

Page 62: "Never stop dreaming.  Follow the omens."

Page 68: "He still had some doubts about the decision he had made.  But he was able to understand one thing: making a decision was only the beginning of things.  When someone makes a decision, he is really diving into a strong current that will carry him to places he had never dreamed of when he first made the decision."

Page 76: " People need not fear the unknown if they are capable of achieving what they need and want.  We are afraid of losing what we have, whether it's our life or our possessions and property.  But this fear evaporates when we understand that our life stories and the history of the world were written by the same hand."

Page 84 ~ 85: "I'm alive.  When I'm eating, that's all I think about.  If I'm on the march, I just concentrate on marching.  If I have to fight, it will be just as good a day to die as any other.  Because I don;t live in either my past or my future.  I'm interested only in the present.  If you can concentrate always on the present, you'll be a happy man.  You'll see that there is life in the desert, that there are stars in the heavens, and that tribesmen fight because they are part of the human race.  Life will be a party for you., a grand festival, because life is the moment we're living right now."

Page 89: "The closer he got to realization of this dream, the more difficult things became.  It seemed as if what the old king had called "beginner's luck" were no longer functioning.  In his pursuit of the dream, he was being constantly subjected to tests of his persistence and courage.  So he could not be hasty, nor impatient. f he pushed forward impulsively, he would fail to see the signs and omens left by God along his path."

Page 93: "It was the pure Language of the World.  It required no explanation, just as the universe needs none as it travels through endless time.  ... When you know that language, it;s easy to understand that someone in the world awaits you, whether it's in the middle of the desert or in some great city.  And when two such people encounter each other, and their eyes meet, the past and the future become unimportant.  There is only that moment, and the incredible certainty that everything under the sun has been written by one hand only.  It is the hand that evokes love, and creates a twin soul for every person in the world.  Without such love, one's dreams would have no meaning.

Page 98: "I'm a desert women, and I'm prod of that.  I want my husband to wander as free as the wind that shapes the dunes."

Page 115: "Isn't wine prohibited here?" the boy asked.  "It's not what enters men's mouths that's evil," said the alchemist. "It's what comes out of their mouths that is."

Page 115 ~ 116: "Remember that wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure.  You've got to find the treasure, so that everything you have learned along the way can make sense. "

Page 120: "You must understand that love never keeps a man from pursuing his Personal Legend.  If he abandons that pursuit, it's because it wasn't true love... the love that speaks the Language of the World."

Page 125: "There is only one way to learn.  It's through action."

Page 130: "People are afraid to pursue their most important dreams, because they feel that they don;t deserve them, or that they'll be unable to achieve them."

第161頁:「害怕比傷害本身更糟,而且沒有一顆心因為追求夢想而受傷,因為追尋的過程中的每一片刻,都是和神與永恆的邂逅。 」
Page 130: "The fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself.  And that no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams, because every second of the search is a second;s encounter with God and with eternity."

Page 132: "...one 'dies of thirst just when the palm trees have appeared on the horizon.'  Every search begins with beginner's luck.  And every search ends with the victor's being severely tested."

Page 156: "Because you have already lost your savings twice. Once to the thief, and once to the general.  I'm an old, superstitious Arab, and I believe in our proverbs.  There's one that says 'Everything that happens once can never happen again.  But everything that happens twice will surely happen a third time.'"

